Get Focused,

On What Truly

Moves The Needle

Get Focused,

On What Truly

Moves The Needle

What is Priority Focused Business Coaching

Priority focused business coaching is designed to help entrepreneurs stay centered on their most important task at hand. Most business owners have no shortage of ideas; their challenge lies in maintaining the focus to implement these ideas and the accountability to see them through long enough to determine their effectiveness before moving on to the next project.

Interestingly, it wasn’t until the early 1900s that the word "priority" was pluralized. The concept originally implied having one true priority at a time. Our coaching philosophy is rooted in this principle. By keeping you focused on your primary goal and the necessary steps to achieve it, we ensure that your efforts are directed towards meaningful progress.

In our coaching sessions, you will receive valuable advice and strategies for tackling each project. However, the real power of our coaching lies in holding you accountable to the follow-through of your project, priority, or main habit you are working on. This accountability helps you stay committed and make tangible progress, ensuring that your ideas are not just conceived but effectively executed.

what are the focuses of priority coaching?

Maintain a laser-like focus on the most crucial task at any given time, avoiding the common pitfall of spreading attention too thinly across multiple projects.

Receive consistent support and accountability to follow through on tasks and goals, ensuring that projects are seen to completion.

Streamline efforts towards the most impactful activities, enhancing overall productivity and efficiency.

Make steady, measurable progress towards key business goals, ensuring that each step is purposeful and contributes to long-term success.

what's our process

Our process emphasizes daily actions that cumulatively drive significant quarterly and annual progress. By focusing on 1-3 true priorities over 12-week periods, we ensure you address key areas that genuinely enhance your life and business. This consistent, focused effort on priorities across four quarters results in meaningful improvements, moving your business to a new level. Over time, this approach naturally elevates each part of your business, stacking years of consistent progress and helping you achieve long-term success.


    At the start, you'll complete a vision form outlining your goals for the next 3-5 years and any long term aspirations. This provides clarity for you and your business coach.


    At the beginning of each year we create an annual plan focusing on broader goals, major projects, and life events. This is more of a roadmap than a detailed plan. We dedicate time each December to develop these plans.


    Quarterly plans are more detailed. You'll assess which area needs the most focus, identify 1 to 3 key priorities, and create a project plan, weekly habit, or focus block. Your business coaches focus is to help guide you on this plan and hold you accountable to it so you make significant progress over the quarter.


    We use various tools like weekly check-ins, quarterly forms, annual planners and journals to help create the focused plan to keep the main thing top of mind at all times.


    You and your business coach will meet at least once a month, but every two weeks is possible as well if you need that higher level of accountability. The meetings are one hour long and are focused on improvement on the priority and any feedback needed to move it forward.


  • You want accountability and are willing to be held to a high standard of it

  • You are coachable and willing to work on areas even if they are uncomfortable

  • You listen to all the hustle gurus but know you want more out of life then just money

  • You don't have many people in your life that understand the life and struggles of entrepreneurship

  • You don't have many guy friends and are looking to build strong relationships

  • You want to be challenged and enjoy the camaraderie of a group of guys, like the feeling you had in sports growing up

  • If you like the competition of others doing great and it motivates you to push yourself to be better


  • If you aren't accountable to others and only do what you feel like doing

  • If you aren't willing to be honest and fully transparent

  • You are looking for quick fixes or shortcuts to success.

  • You are unwilling to make changes to your current habits and routines

  • You are not open to feedback or resistant to changing your approach.

  • You don't believe in the importance of daily activities and consistent effort

  • You are not ready to commit time and effort to the coaching process.

  • You expect results without putting in the necessary work and dedication.

  • You are not willing to be challenged or pushed out of your comfort zone

what are the meetings like?

What Are Meetings Like

  • All Meetings Are Virtual: Experience the convenience of meeting from anywhere.

  • 1-Hour Time Frame: Each session is designed to be concise and impactful.

  • One-on-One Setting: Work directly with your business coach, Trev, for personalized guidance.

  • Focus on Progress: Most of the meeting will be dedicated to setting up progress steps for your current priority. If a priority has been achieved, we'll discuss a new one and create a plan to accomplish it.

Meeting Prep

  • Meeting Prep Form: When scheduling your next meeting, you'll fill out a meeting prep form. This ensures you're prepared and provides Trev with the necessary information to tailor the meeting to your needs.

Meeting Follow-Up

  • Follow-Up Email: After each meeting, Trev will send you an email summarizing the key points discussed, any necessary resources, and a recap of the main priority steps.

  • Clear Priorities: The goal is to leave each meeting with 1 to 3 clear priorities and a hierarchy of their importance.

Weekly Check-In

  • Weekly Check-In Form: Every Friday, you'll receive a check-in form to fill out about your week's progress.

  • Timely Feedback: Trev will review your check-in within 48 hours and provide any necessary advice to keep you on track.

how much is the investment?

Only $150/hour

Maximum 4 hours / month

Initial 3 month commitment, then month to month after that.

Initial 3 month commitment, then month to month after that.

Sign Up For Your FREE Strategy Session!

learn our simple 3 step weekly priority system

Discover the ultimate guide to mastering your weekly priorities with our comprehensive eBook. Our straightforward 3-step process will help you set, plan, and execute your priorities effectively, ensuring you stay on top of your goals every week. Here’s what you’ll get:


Step 1: Initial Setup

  • Identify Your Priorities: Learn how to pinpoint the most critical tasks and goals for your week.

  • Set Clear Objectives: Establish clear and actionable objectives to guide your week.

Step 2: Weekly Planning

  • Create a Weekly Plan: Develop a detailed plan that breaks down your priorities into manageable tasks.

  • Time Blocking Techniques: Use time blocking to allocate specific times for each task, ensuring a balanced and productive week.

Step 3: Daily Execution

  • Use a daily journal for personal and business tasks, aligning them with the weekly priorities.

  • Regularly review and adjust the calendar to accommodate changing priorities and time-sensitive tasks.

  • Reflect on progress and plan for the next day during designated email or reflection time.

BONUS: Exclusive Video Walkthrough

In addition to the eBook, you’ll gain access to a detailed video of Trev walking you through his priority setting process step by step. Watch as he demonstrates how to:

  • Set up your initial priorities

  • Plan your week effectively

  • Execute your daily tasks efficiently on his computer

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform the way you manage your weekly priorities. Download our eBook now and take the first step towards a more organized and productive week!


Trev Warnke

Trev Warnke's journey is a testament to the power of entrepreneurship, grit, and a commitment to continuous growth. From his upbringing in the heart of the business world to his ventures in fitness and beyond, Trev has consistently demonstrated an unwavering determination to succeed.

Growing up under the wing of his father, who built a thriving business from scratch in a small Iowa town, Trev absorbed invaluable lessons in business acumen and perseverance. Witnessing firsthand the slow but steady growth of his father's enterprise, Trev learned the importance of learning on the job and the relentless drive required to overcome obstacles.

Stepping into the role of COO of his father's company at just 22, Trev embraced the challenges of leadership and management with gusto. Over the course of four years, he transformed the manufacturing arm of the business, elevating it to new heights of productivity and profitability. Through a combination of fostering a positive company culture, streamlining processes, and making tough decisions, Trev proved his mettle as a dynamic leader.

Fueled by a passion for fitness, Trev embarked on a new chapter in his entrepreneurial journey by co-founding Game Changing Performance with his close friend Nathan Johnson. The success of their venture spurred Trev to expand, leading to the establishment of a second gym and a foray into commercial real estate. Weathering the storms of COVID-19, Trev's resilience and strategic foresight ensured the survival and growth of his fitness businesses.

However, Trev's ambitions transcended the confines of brick and mortar establishments. Recognizing the need for comprehensive support for small businesses, he founded Level Up Business, a service company aimed at easing the burdens of entrepreneurship. Yet, after working with business owners he realized most of them were missing an important component to success. Most had trouble staying focused on the most important tasks and spent more energy trying to figure out what to do then actually just doing the work. So that's when he decided to start offering Priority Focused coaching. Trev has work hard to become great at focusing on keeping the main thing, the main thing. With priority focused coaching he knew he could help other entrepreneurs overcome this struggle that holds most of them back.

If you struggle with making focused progress in your business and you have been searching for someone to hold you accountable to achieving greatness, then schedule a FREE strategy session!

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