A Simple 3-Step Priority System for Entrepreneurs

A Simple 3-Step Priority System for Entrepreneurs

July 23, 20243 min read

In today's video, I want to talk about my priority system, which I get a lot of questions about from my business coaching clients and Mastermind clients. They often ask how I prioritize my time and what system I use. So, I'm going to break it down for you. It's a pretty simple system with only three steps, and I'll show you the different components of how I organize it.

Before diving into the video, I want to point out that I use a combination of digital and paper-based methods. I build everything in Google Docs, Google Sheets, and sometimes Canva, depending on what it is. Then, I print them off because having a physical copy keeps it top of mind. When something is on a spreadsheet, it can get hidden away, and I might forget about it. But when it's printed and on my wall, I check it daily or weekly, keeping me on track.

Let's jump into my priority system. It's based on three main tools: Google Keep, Google Docs, and Google Calendar.

Step 1: Google Keep

Google Keep is where all my ideas go first. Whether it's a personal or business idea, I use Keep on my phone to capture it immediately. I have different Keep accounts for personal and business ideas to stay organized. Most ideas get deleted eventually because they aren't worth pursuing, but the ones that stick are the ones that make it to my priority list.

Step 2: Google Docs

Every few weeks, I'll review Keep and transfer valuable ideas to my priority list in Google Docs. This list is divided into sections:

  • Weekly Tasks: This is what I print off and put on my wall to focus on for the week. It also dictates what goes on my calendar.

  • Monthly Goals: Tasks and goals I aim to accomplish within the month.

  • Quarterly Goals: Larger goals that are broken down into monthly tasks.

  • Future Ideas: Ideas that might become relevant in future quarters or months.

This document is kept as concise as possible, with only the most important tasks making the cut.

Step 3: Google Calendar

Google Calendar is where everything comes together. I schedule time blocks for different priority areas in my calendar:

  • Priority Blocks: These are recurring blocks of time dedicated to specific tasks. For example, I have a content block on Tuesdays, and blocks for my Mastermind, upsell strategies, and SOP design on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings respectively.

  • Personal Time: My personal activities and goals are scheduled first to ensure I prioritize family and personal well-being.

  • Work Blocks: These are scheduled around the priority blocks and personal time to handle meetings and other work tasks.

Detailed Breakdown:

  1. Quarterly Planning: This takes about two hours per quarter. I identify major goals for the quarter and break them down into monthly tasks.

  2. Monthly Planning: Takes about an hour each month. I break down the quarterly goals into actionable monthly tasks.

  3. Weekly Planning: Takes about an hour each week. I break down the monthly tasks into weekly priorities and schedule them in my calendar.

Time Blocks:

  • Priority Blocks: Scheduled as recurring events in my calendar. These are non-negotiable times dedicated to moving my business forward.

  • Personal Time: Scheduled first to ensure a balance between work and personal life.

  • Work Blocks: These are flexible times where I handle meetings and other work-related tasks that are not part of my priority blocks.


Throughout the week, I adjust my schedule based on new priorities or tasks that come up. However, my priority blocks remain untouchable as they are crucial for long-term progress.

By maintaining this system, I ensure that I stay focused on the most important tasks that move my business and personal life forward. This structured approach to planning and prioritizing has been a game-changer in my productivity and overall success.

priority system for entrepreneurs
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Trev Warnke

Trev is a co-owner of Level Up Fitness Business. His passions in the fitness business world are systemizing, productivity, leadership and making owning a fitness business a more sustainable career.

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